I’d rather keep this related to OpenXcom or more charitable causes. Actually there is a whole genre of turn-based tactics games with plenty to work through if you like.
This will be my first and last time asking for personal donations on this website. ago There is Xenonauts, the is the UFO: Aftermath/Aftershock series, the is OpenXCOM that allow mods and custom campaigns, Phoenix Point, Phantom Doctrine, the Banner Saga games. It was originally founded by SupSuper in February 2009, and has since grown into a small development team surrounded by a very supporting community. If you don’t care I fully understand, I’m not trying to guilt you or ask for charity, just trying to figure out ways to help both of us. OpenXcom is an open-source clone of the original X-COM, licensed under the GPL and written in C++ / SDL. I can’t guarantee you’ll get anything out of it but I’ll be eternally grateful and I’ll do my best to meet your expectations. At best, I could work full-time on this and more remakes, without having to juggle jobs. At worst, you will help alleviate my financial troubles. UFO: Alien Invasion (free) is a good X-COM clone if you think the original is too old. You’d be surprised how every little helps. The new XCOM game is more of a timed action game la Final Fantasy, the original was more tactical, combine that with the base management and backstory and it still holds up well today. So if you’ve been a fan and have money to spare, consider donating to my Patreon and spread the word. It’s like a subscription, only there are no hidden penalties, you can start, change and stop donations at any time. This lets you donate to me monthly, helping support me and my hobbies like OpenXcom. I talked it over with some friends and they suggested setting up a Patreon.

To make matters worse, 2020 has been a rough year on everyone and I’ve been running into financial difficulties. I am as sorry about this as much as you, I love my community, I do my best to keep myself available whenever possible, and I hate letting you all down like this. Sadly my life has had to take priority, OpenXcom is a hobby I work on in my spare time, my income comes from working full-time as a programmer and it’s very difficult to keep both up without taking a toll on my mental health.

I do really miss inventory and ammo management though. The micromanagement of the original was kinda neat with costumizing everything but i feel it works without it. It feels a bit deeper tactically with the squad roles, flanking, suppresion etc. I’m sure you’ve noticed my contributions to OpenXcom have been pretty rare lately. The aliens look a lot cooler and the streamlining of mechanics was really needed. This is a serious post so I don’t wanna waste your time. No light-hearted tone, jokes, or any of the usual stuff. OpenXcom is an open-source clone of the original UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-Com: UFO Defense in USA), licensed under the GPL and written in C++ / SDL. This is SupSuper writing to you personally, not as representative of OpenXcom.